On site durability evaluation
The results of the survey carried out by the Milan
Politecnico Institute on three exposed (mechanically
attached) roofing systems using ST Sintofoil
membrane, installed 5, 10 and 12 years before
sample collection in Spain and France, have been
part of a paper presented by Dott. Croce and
Dott. Fiori at the May 2008 International
Conference on Durability of Building Materials
and Components in Istanbul.
The conclusions of the paper are clear: “in all inspections, the covers showed, on the flat
areas section and in the details, an absence of
visible decay. The favourable overall assessment
of the cover in place was confirmed by laboratory
tests performed on the samples taken.
Measurements made showed a similar behaviour
in the 3 various geographical sites. Membranes
had very different exposures to sun radiation,
both in terms of intensity and duration. Sampling
showed the perfect weldability and therefore the
full possibility to repair membranes, even after
years of operating exposure”.
A copy of the paper is available upon request.

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